Prayers - Chaplet and Hour of Mercy. Entrance to church through the North parking door. Oraciones y Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia- entrada a la iglesia por el estacionamiento Norte
Procession at 10:15am
Mass at 10:30am
Bring your Santo Niño Statues/Images for Special Blessing
Refreshments to follow after the Massin the Church Hall
Prayers - Chaplet and Hour of Mercy. Entrance to church through the North parking door. Oraciones y Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia- entrada a la iglesia por el estacionamiento Norte
Prayers - Chaplet and Hour of Mercy. Entrance to church through the North parking door. Oraciones y Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia- entrada a la iglesia por el estacionamiento Norte